III: Applying for Subdivision

The following information is required when submitting an application for subdivision; otherwise the application shall be deemed INCOMPLETE.

Application Fee

Fees are payable to the Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC) and are non-refundable. Fees may be paid by debit, cash, cheque or e-Transfer to subdivision@orrsc.com


Application Fee


Per Lot Fee


Per Lot Endorsement Fee


$350 each

$220 each




Application Form

A completed application form signed by either the registered owner of the land or the person authorized to act on their behalf.

Current Copy of the Certificate of Title

A current copy of the Certificate(s) of Title of the lands that are the subject of the application.  The title(s) must be dated no more than 30 days prior to the application submission.  If you are proposing to consolidate land, please include title(s) to all of the lands involved.

A current copy of the Certificate(s) of Title may be obtained from any provincial registry office or on-line at www.spin.gov.ab.ca.

Sketch of the Proposed Subdivision

An accurate and legible sketch (drawn to scale) that shows the location, dimensions and boundaries of the proposed parcel in relation to the lands that are the subject of the subdivision and all the requirements identified in the enclosed Subdivision Sketch Checklist. The sketch shall include dimensions from all buildings and structures (including private septic systems) to existing and proposed property lines. Sketches without dimensions will not be accepted.

For applications with any buildings or structures within an urban municipality (hamlet, village, or town) or Lethbridge County, Vulcan County, M.D. of Willow Creek No. 26 and the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass where any buildings or structures are present on the land that is the subject of the subdivision, a sketch prepared by an Alberta Land Surveyor is required.

Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Abandoned Well Information

In accordance with the Matters Related to Subdivision and Development Regulation: A map from the AER identifying the presence or absence of abandoned wells on the parcel that is the subject of the application;*


EITHER a statement that there are no abandoned wells on the parcel that is the subject of the application OR a list and map identifying the location of abandoned wells  (including the surface coordinates) on the parcel that is the subject of the application.*

*This information can be obtained from the AER’s Abandoned Well Viewer (https://maps.aer.ca/awm/index.html) or by contacting the AER Customer Contact Centre by telephone (1-855-297-8311) or by email (inquiries@aer.ca).

If an abandoned well is found to be present on the parcel that is the subject of the application (subject parcel),  the following will be required:

For applications in Lethbridge County, Vulcan County, Cardston County and the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass  –  a tentative plan of subdivision (for vacant parcels) or survey sketch (for parcels that contain buildings and improvements) prepared by an Alberta Land Surveyor that illustrates the actual well location on the subject parcel as identified in the field and the setback established in the ERCB/AER Directive 079 in relation to existing or proposed building sites.

For applications in the County of Warner, MD of Taber, MD of Willow Creek, MD of Pincher Creek, County of Forty Mile and MD of Ranchland  –  a drawing prepared by an Alberta Land Surveyor that illustrates the actual well location on the subject parcel as identified in the field and the setback established in the ERCB/AER Directive 079 in relation to existing or proposed building sites.


Applicants may be required to submit additional information such as a water report in accordance with the Water Act, professional soils tests and analysis demonstrating suitability of private sewage treatment systems, geotechnical reports and other professionally prepared reports, concept plans, and any other information necessary to determine whether the application meets the requirements of section 654 of the Municipal Government Act.

Next >> Appealing a Decision
